In recent years, we are seeing law enforcement deal with more and more hoarding and abuse cases for all animals, including parrots. Almost no shelters are prepared to handle large groups of parrots, so we step in to send needed supplies for these birds as the legal cases work their way through the courts. Sometimes it’s just a dozen small parrots, other times it’s hundreds of large birds, but we are always there to help with food, cages, toys, and other necessities.
ARL Pittsburgh
ARL Pittsburgh had 148 parakeets surrendered by one person, and we stepped in to help although we’d already been through four other big seizure cases in 2016. So, what does 760 pounds of small bird cages and flights look like? Here are twenty 18″ x 18″ x 30″ cages, plus nine 32 x 21 flights, which was just a beginning of the stream of supplies for these little birds.
Oregon Humane Society
The Oregon Humane Society seized 248 large parrots from a breeder gone bad: we stepped in again, starting with sending nine new 36 x 28 dometop cages from A&E Cage Company, along with perches, food, and bowls.
Georgia Seizure
Another big seizure, this time in Georgia, took place within a week of the Oregon case: over 300 smaller birds were seized, and our help started out with a shipping pallet loaded with ten of these double flight cages, which are over 6′ tall, along with perches, toys, hundreds of pounds of food, extra bowls, cleaning supplies, and many other items needed while these birds were held and their case worked its way through court.